Monday 25 April 2016

Individual Assignment II : e-Commerce

Hi. I’d like to show all of you regarding the different types of e-commerce transaction and its architecture. I’ve chosen a B2C and a C2C transaction e-commerce to show the difference of the stated e-commerce. It’s also have  types of the component  their architecture.I’d like to highlited on e-commerce business that are related to business . For this assignment, I’ve chosen and

As we know B2C (Business-to-Consumer) transaction e-commerce such as Lazada operates between the organization and buyers , they are individual . This e-commerce website also known as e-tailing. It was created for consumers service providers and channel for them to find a satisfactory needed package for their clients. Lazada is intuitive website interface which is very easy to use. There are no fancy and complicated buttons on the interface. The things that are displayed on the website are just the things that are needed to make online shopping a very worthwhile experience.

On the other hand, a B2C (Business-to-Consumer) transaction like Lazada Malaysia is part of Lazada Group which operates Southeast Asia’s number one online shopping and selling destination in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Pioneering eCommerce in the region, Lazada provides customers with an effortless shopping experience and retailers with simple and direct access to the largest customer base in Southeast Asia.

Now let’s move on to e-commerce architecture of website. As you can see on the pictures above, these two e-commerce business provide search processes mechanism/interface to help customers find the specific product and service they want. is one of example (C2C) Consumer-to-Consumer. It is a business model that facilitates the transaction of products or services between customers. It is one of four categories of e-commerce.

The same concept between B2C and C2C are sells product or services to other individuals. Moreover, both of the web developer of these business used catalog management software along with collaboration and trading component into the website. Consequently, all of these component are essential to support arrangements and trading services between clients, service provider and other stakeholder.

Access control and security on both of the websites have establish mutual trust and secure access by using login ID and password as for those who want to access and It is to protect personal data like banking. One way these e-commerce website made a secure access is confirm the user from any camouflage.

The search management of these website also almost same. Like has many choices at the left website for all of ages. Content management, catalog management and payment also immaculately maintained. 

For conclusion,  I prefer,website because such kind of e-commerce transaction geared toward consumer rather than  which had responsibilities for the user, intellectual property, privacy, cookies and others. Nevertheless, these two e-commerce websites are types of e-commerce of business transaction model.Thank you!!

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