Wednesday 13 April 2016

1. Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a highly innovative and versatile program that can ensure a successful communication whether  presenting in front of potential investors, a lecture theatre or simply in front of colleagues. Depending on wherewe will be presenting, we may be asked to transform our presentation into PowerPoint’s format as a condition of speaking. Luckily, learning PowerPoint is easy because of how popular it is. There are tons of tutorials, including for converting between different types of presentation software and PowerPoint.

There are also far more assets (like industry-specific templates and even designers willing to put together your presentation) for PowerPoint than other presentation software. Whether or not you’re personally a fan of PowerPoint, it’s still considered the standard presentation software. You have to be familiar with it, even if you rely on other presentation software most of the time. Below are five features you should be using – if you aren't already. Learn everything about these tips: they will improve presentation skills and allow to communicate  message successfully.

1) Adding Smart Art

Don’t confuse SmartArt with the similarly named WordArt. Where WordArt just allows our work to display text using a wide variety of different formats and effects, SmartArt is a comprehensive and flexible business diagram tool that greatly improves upon the ‘Diagram Gallery’ feature found in previous versions of Office. Click the insert SmartChart Graphic to choose from a selection of options.

SmartArt can be used to create professional diagrams that include pictures and text or combinations of the two. An obvious use of SmartArt would be to create an organization chart but it can be used for many different kinds of diagrams and even to provide some variety to slides using text bullet points.

2) Inserting Shapes

If we need to include some sort of diagram in presentation, then the quickest and easiest way is probably to use SmartArt. However, it is important to be able to include shapes independently of SmartArt and worth being familiar with the various Drawing Tool format options.

But they can also be applied to objects on a slide that might not immediately think of as shapes, not only will they be useful if do need to manually draw a diagram (and SmartArt doesn’t suit all diagrams). For example the box that contains  slide title or content. This can be anything from text to a video, or even the individual shapes in a SmartArt diagram.

Just click in  slide to insert a default version of the shape or, to set a particular size and position, click and drag with the mouse to create the shape and size that want.  As you can see, the gallery of available shapes is very extensive.

3) Inserting an Image

Here are two content type icons which appear in new content Placeholders for inserting pictures.We can Insert Picture from File or Insert Clip Art. Insert Picture from File allows to browse to an image file saved somewhere on our system whereas Clip Art is held in an indexed gallery of different media types. Clip Art is not limited to pictures: ‘The Results should be:’ box lets choose between: ‘All media file types’ and one or more of the following different types:
Once we have found the image what we want to use, click on it to insert it into the current slide. We can now re-size and move the image accordingly with further editting options available when right click the desired image.

In addition, PowerPoint 2010 has a new ‘Screenshot’ option that allows you to capture an entire window or part of a window for inclusion on a slide. You can also copy any image and just paste it directly to a slide. Alternatively, the Illustrations group of the Insert ribbon tab includes the same two tools.


What is a Powtoon? Powtoon is a presentation software that being famous among students and lectures. It is also alternative way to present material such as slide, video, and others. The application is focused on both ease of use and quality of the output. Users can easily put together professional quality presentations in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the price typically charged by animators or design studios. It is also engaging, fun and different. Futhermore, web-based, can be downloaded.

Example templets in Powtoon

Example templets in Powtoon

Differences between PowerPoint VS Powtoon

  •          easy to create colorful, attractive designs using the standard templates and themes; easy to modify compared to other visual aids, such as charts, and easy to drag and drop slides to re-order presentation.
  •           easy to present and maintain eye contact with a large audience by simply advancing the slides with a keystroke, eliminating the need for handouts to follow the message.

  •           Create a personal narrative, publish to youtube.
  •           a good aspect of powtoon is that it let people to present an attractive presentation without letting to get sleep the audience. 
  •        it makes people have an interest in the product are proposing.

  •            speakers create slides so they have something to present rather than outlining, organizing, and focusing on their message.
  •           the linear nature of PowerPoint slides forces the presenter to reduce complex subjects to a set of bullet items which are too weak to support decision-making or show the complexity of an issue.
  •           basic equipment required to present. You will need to have a computer and projection equipment in place to display the slides to the audience.

  •             Takes time to learn to create new videos
  •            Some features are not so intuitive
  •           Powtoon is still developing (launched in 2012)
  •          Cannot convert directly from Powerpoint

So, Which Presentation Software Should You Choose? PowerPoint Or Powtoon?

Whether you select PowerPoint or Powtoon , you need to continuously practice your presentation skills for best results. PowerPoint and Powtoon both have their place. PowerPoint has some great advantages for the average business presenter, while Powtoon has a few great benefits if you want to create a more interactive presentation.

Whatever tool you select, take the time to master and use it to create dazzling, rather than dull, presentations. The other important point to make is that if your story is poor, neither tool with help you! At the end of the day both of these programs are just tools. Whichever tool you choose, it will only add value to your presentation if it helps you to tell YOUR STORY. If you have a strong story and want to express complex ideas simply linked to your message with a memorable visual they will help you.

My Recommendation …

If you have limited time and need to display ideas, facts, and figures in a simple way I most often recommend sticking with PowerPoint. However, if you have the time to learn a new software and really want to create an interactive experience for your audience that has a strong “wow” factor you MIGHT want to consider using Powtoon .

Most people equate PowerPoint with tired bullet points and cheesy clipart because that is all they are used to. This BORING format is what people have been taught in school, and most people don’t understand the full potential of PowerPoint.

The good thing is that the secrets to designing can easily be learned. If you want to unlock the true potential of PowerPoint and learn how to design exciting slides, that will get any audience PUMPED and ready for action, you should check out my personally written eBook, Slides Made Simple. This book will teach you everything you need to know in order to create exciting presentations, stand out from the crowd, and get your audience to say “YES!” It’s full of HUNDREDS of tips and resources that will get you creating exciting persuasive presentations in PowerPoint or Keynote.

I personally prefer to use PowerPoint for my presentations because most of my friends know how to use PowerPoint and can make minor changes themselves if they want later on. The biggest problem I see with PowerPoint is that most people really don’t understand how to create a fun and dynamic presentation. In other words, it’s not PowerPoint that is the problem, but instead the presenter creating the PowerPoint.

From this assignment I learn …..

What I had learn from this assignment which is I know many more types of presentation software such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Slideshare, Powtoon, Open Office Impress, Apple Keynote, Photoshop and othes when I do research from internet. From that we know our technology are develop which is many product of presentation software have been discover.

Many of differences between PowerPoint and Powtoon which is PowerPoint is easy to create colorful, attractive designs using the standard templates and themes. It is easy to modify compared to other visual aids, such as charts, and easy to drag and drop slides to re-order presentation meanwhile Powtoon  can create a personal narrative and publish to youtube. It also a good aspect of powtoon is that it let people to present an attractive presentation without letting to get sleep the audience.

As we know the linear nature of PowerPoint slides forces the presenter to reduce complex subjects to a set of bullet items which are too weak to support decision-making or show the complexity of an issue. It is a few disadvantage of PowerPoint. Lets look to Powtoon  where is takes time to learn to create new videos because its new and had to learn from toturial.

I think every product that is created has its own advantages and something different from the other products. It is up to ourselves to choose which further facilitate and speed up our daily work. Both of presentation software that I choose have advantages and disadvantages of each and we must choose wisely.

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